Birdsong for the
Curious Naturalist

51. Exploring horned lark singing with Raven Lite.

7. When to Sing, and How
Energized dawn singing
From page 115 in the book.

Exploring horned lark singing with Raven Lite. In the daytime singing of ♫482, would you believe that Raven Lite sonagrams show that the first (at 0:06) and tenth (1:00) flourishes are identical, and that the second (0:13) and eighteenth (2:01) are identical? In the dawn singing of ♫483, the first (0:22) and third (0:34) flourishes are the same, as are the second (0:34) and seventh (1:11). With some sleuthing on Raven Lite, you could learn a lot more about how many flourishes he has and how he delivers them during his two types of singing.