Birdsong for the
Curious Naturalist

52. Warbler dawn choruses are special.

7. When to Sing, and How
Energized dawn singing
From page 116 in the book.

Warbler dawn choruses are special. Warblers provide extraordinary listening opportunities. Many of them have specialized dawn and day songs, much like the yellow warbler (e.g., American redstart, p. 139; chestnut-sided warbler, p. 139; black-throated blue warbler, p. 28). Others seem not to care about such matters; they use the same songs during the dawn chorus as during any other circumstances throughout the day (common yellowthroat, p. 11; Tennessee warbler, p. 53; magnolia warbler, p. 54; ovenbird, p. 138). Pick your favorite warblers and go listen! What does a common yellowthroat, for example, do during the dawn chorus to show some passion that is not revealed during daytime singing? Are songs longer, or shorter, or delivered at a faster or slower or more continuous pace? Does a male engage in heated exchanges with neighboring territory owners? Listen to just a few warblers at dawn and you will be astonished at the variety of expression among them. Because of the early hour, most likely you will listen alone, revealing the reason we know so little about these warblers at dawn: Professional ornithologists like to sleep in too!