Birdsong for the
Curious Naturalist

Eastern whip-poor-will, Mexican whip-poor-will

Chapter 3: Why and How Birds Sing
Subchapter: Why sing?
From page 27 in the book.

♫79. Whip-poor-will song. May 30, 2010. Cane Creek Wildlife Management Area, Daniel Boone National Forest, London, Kentucky. (2:36)

♫80. And lots more whip-poor-wills, as is their nature. Just imagine keeping this up all night long! June 1, 2010. Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky. (18:36)

♫81. Similar, but noticeably more burry, is the song of the closely related Mexican whip-poor-will. May 6, 2016. Portal, Arizona. (0:33)