Birdsong for the
Curious Naturalist

American robin

Chapter 6: Song Learning Often Creates Complex Songs and Large Repertoires
Subchapter: How a repertoire is delivered
From page 101 in the book.

♫437. Hear that unique carol at 0:04? Listen for how it recurs in loose packages throughout these eight minutes. June 3, 2012. Hatfield, Massachusetts. (8:18)

♫438. Listen to the unique cascade of notes in this recording, first heard at 0:06, and then hear how the robin uses that particular caroled phrase throughout this dawn singing performance. A pause of 85 seconds is indicated by a fade out and fade in at 11:00. 5:08 to 5:34 a.m.; sunrise at 6:20 a.m. In well-lit urban settings, robins often sing up to two hours before sunrise. May 30, 2018. Indianapolis, Indiana. (26:38) Bird first discovered by Ruth Ann Ingraham, then recorded by Brad Jackson, facilitated by Geoff Keller.