Birdsong for the
Curious Naturalist

Blue jay

Chapter 5: More about Song Learning
Subchapter: Mimicry
From page 78 in the book.

♫356. A variety of typical calls, including harsh jays, "squeaky gates," and "bell" calls. May, 2004. Norwottuck Rail Trail, Amherst, Massachusetts. (0:42)

♫357. Imitation of a hawk, in apparent response to a nearby cat. April 30, 2001. Amherst, Massachusetts. (0:07)

♫358. Broad-winged hawk, along with perturbed robin. August 8, 2009. Amherst, Massachusetts. (0:26)

♫355. Red-tailed hawk. May 24, 2009. William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge, Corvallis, Oregon. (0:05)

♫359. Imitation of a red-shouldered hawk, plus a "rattle." January 26, 2004. Picayune Strand State Forest, Naples, Florida. (0:08)

♫360. An actual red-shouldered hawk. June 4, 2010. Bay Creek Wilderness, Shawnee National Forest, Kentucky. (0:18)