Birdsong for the
Curious Naturalist

57. Choose your own dawn chorus experience.

7. When to Sing, and How
Energized dawn singing
From page 123 in the book.

Choose your own dawn chorus experience. During the dawn chorus it seems that every flycatcher and every songbird (and many nonpasserines as well) expresses an unbridled passion that you can't hear at other times of the day. For some good dawn listening on your own, you could start with one of the examples I have offered above, but that is just a beginning, as hundreds of other species await your attention. Among my favorites are . . . well, my list of favorites has grown to include almost every flycatcher and songbird I know: kingbirds, wood-pewees, phoebes, crested flycatchers, the dozen species in the genus Empidonax (p. 151) . . . That's just the flycatchers, and then there are all the songbirds! Okay, there may be a few species who seem to do nothing special at dawn (perhaps some of the songless songbirds, p. 104), but so few that they are tough to find.